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What is The Megacosm?

The Megacosm is, God willing, going to be a series of stories about heroic Mega’s who protect the earth from vicious Mal’s or Malevolent’s, Mega’s who use their powers for greed, crime, and outright murder.

Preview chapters will be published here, and if you like what you read, links will be provided to purchase a copy. Thus, you will only buy what you like!

This site will also post stories outside of the Megacosm universe. Shorts that I hope will help me get better at the craft of writing.

Subscribe to The Megacosm

Here you can read preview chapters of stories in the Megacosm and decide if you want to purchase the published novels. There are complete shorts and other stories for free that can be read at your leisure.


Just a writer, sharing his stories with the world. Support New Culture and bring back escapism.